Firm News

Kleinberg Kaplan Partner Christopher Davis Quoted in Activist Insight’s report: “COVID-19: The Impact on Shareholder Activism”

Firm News | April 28, 2020 | Investor Activism

Kleinberg Kaplan Partner Christopher Davis is quoted in Activist Insight’s report, a collection of analyses on the impact of COVID-19 on shareholder activism.

The article, “Five Uncertainties,” begins on page 7 of the report and features his thoughts on navigating the logistics of annual meetings and other proxy season considerations raised by the pandemic. Chris previously discussed some of these issues in a Kleinberg Kaplan client alert, “Please Mute Your Line: Delaware Streamlines Procedures for Virtual Stockholder Meetings,” available here.

To download the free report, “COVID-19: The Impact on Shareholder Activism,” please click here.