Commercial Leasing Issues
Client Alerts | October 31, 2012
Leasing has always played an important role of our real estate practice, representing both landlords and tenants. We have recently written about certain important issues pertinent to commercial leasing. First, Real Estate Forum recently published an article by Jason Polevoy of our real estate group, in which he discusses steps available to a landlord both to reduce the likelihood of facing a tenant in bankruptcy and, if a tenant were to enter bankruptcy, to put the landlord in the strongest possible position to enforce its rights and apply security without violating the Bankruptcy Code. A link to the article is set forth below.
Protecting Landlords Against Tenant Bankruptcy
In addition, in light of recent volatility in energy costs, we have summarized three common methods of billing tenants for electricity in New York City. The link below, written by Ross Yustein (Chair of the Real Estate Department) and David Y. Park (Associate in the Real Estate Department), discusses issues that both landlords and tenants should consider with respect to each method when entering into a lease.